Summer is upon us, the sun is shining bright, it’s time to kick back and relax. But is it time to slack on your skincare routine? Definitely not! The harsh UV rays are harmful for the skin all year round but they are particularly damaging during the summers. Thus, it is important to ensure sun protection all day long while maintaining a skincare regimen as well.
Walk with us through this guide to perfect summer skin, made especially for you.
Perfect Summer Skin Checklist
- Go Easy With the Layers. With the temperature rising, coats and sweaters make their exit. Layering becomes a thing of the past, so why shouldn’t it be the same for your skin too? In warmer seasons, skincare needs to be as lightweight as it can be. Swapping heaving cleansers with a gentle face wash is one way to do it. Similarly, it is a genius idea to ditch cream and oil formulations for lighter options altogether.
- Opt for Dual-Purpose Moisturizer. While we’re at the topic of keeping things lightweight, opting for an SPF-infused moisturizer is a great hack for summer skin. This works its magic by subtracting extra products from the skincare routine without compromising on the benefits. It’s a win-win.
- Vitamin C Is Your Bestfriend. Great for use all year round, Vitamin C does wonders to the summer skin. Addressing hyperpigmentation, reducing fine lines, and promoting collagen production are just a few benefits that it brings to the table. It fights skin damage caused by the sun and keeps that glow going!
- Exfoliate. Summer is the season to slough away and we cannot agree more! Although exfoliation is not advised to be incorporated into your everyday skincare routine, its frequency per week should be increased to attain that perfect summer skin. It unclogs blocked pores and clears away excess sebum on the skin, leaving it fresh and flawless.
- Drink Up. Hydration is key for glowing skin all year round but even more so in the summer. Whether it's cucumber-infused water or quenching thirst with fruits like watermelon, it will reduce the chances of dehydration and keep the skin barrier function intact. It’s your water bottle against the world, girls!
- Eat Your Way To Glowing Skin. As cliche as it may sound, we are big on the ‘you are what you eat’ mantra. How we look has a lot to do with what we consume. Eating oily, calorie-laden foods are bound to result in oily skin and breakouts. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are a (tasty) way to steer clear of that. Watermelons, mangoes, grapes, plums, and all things delicious!
Summer Skin With Arvelon
With our carefully formulated skincare products in Brightening Summer Pack and Summer Pack, get that glow going before the summer heat turns up!