It's getting hotter by the day if not by the hour, and with the heavy rainfall in most parts of the country, the levels of humidity in the air have risen substantially.
Now what exactly does that mean in the skin realm? Increasing humidity means that your skin will start looking shiny and sweaty and because there is more moisture in the air, this sweat may take longer to evaporate which means it stays on your skin for longer periods, blocking pores and leading to breakouts.
It is interesting to learn though that you do not actually perspire more when the humidity increases but that the sweat stays on longer before it evaporates. When sweat hangs around, Humid air can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, giving skin an oily appearance. Pair it with blocked pores, breakouts can become more frequent in humid climates.
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- Cleanse Twice. Cleanse in the morning and night to remove makeup, debris and excess oil. Double cleansing can also be very useful, cleaning out the pores will help combat dirt build up which usually lead to break outs.
- Look for the Right Ingredients. Cleansers with salicylic acids help remove dead surface skin cells and products with natural or harmless ingredients can keep your skin protected from additional skincare problems.
- Moisturize and SPF. Use an oil-free moisturizer with a broad spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 15 to protect against UV exposure from the sun, a common threat in hot and humid climates.
- Use a Water-Based moisturizer. At night, use a lightweight, water-based moisturizer to seal in moisture and help keep your skin hydrated while you sleep.
Whether you live in a year-round humid climate or you only experience intense humidity during the summer months, your skin does not have to take the heat. Combat humidity with these simple tips to get your best beautiful skin, so you stay break out and shine free.