Arvelon Blog

Exfoliation 101: To Chemically Melt or Physically Slough?

Written by Editor's Desk | Sep 3, 2021 7:00:00 AM

If you have the sudden urge to exfoliate your face every now and then, you’re not alone. For everyone who follows even the most basic skincare routine that includes a facial cleanser, a moisturizer, and SFP already knows about the role of exfoliating in caring for your skin and complexion. Exfoliation is a process of sloughing off dead skin cells from the skin’s surface but there is more than one way to do it: mechanical and chemical. 

The Wonders of Exfoliating

Exfoliating 1-3 times per week resolves many skincare concerns. If these are on your skincare wishlist, it's time to add an exfoliator to your routine:

  • Softer, smoother texture
  • Minimized, refined pores
  • Blemish-free skin
  • Even skin tone
  • Glowing complexion 

Whether you're more of a chemical exfoliant kind of person or a user of the traditional scrub, exfoliation helps benefit the skin either way. Just don't forget to follow up with a hydrating moisturizer to help protect and nourish the new skin cells! 

Types of Exfoliation 

Mechanical Exfoliation 

Be it scrubs, brushes, sponges, or dermaplaning - they all lie under the mechanical exfoliation category which means that the texture of the product or the tool used physically helps dislodge the dead skin cells. While mechanical scrubs bring back quite a few memories and have a reputation for being harsh and irritating, thanks to the skincare evolution, there are plenty of gentler options available now such as the for clear skin Nourishing Scrub or the Flawless Glow Scrub that helps even out skin tone.

These exfoliants contain safer alternatives to microbeads such as the walnut shell microspheres that help degunk clogged pores, thanks to its superfine texture that is extremely gentle on the skin, to reveal brighter, smoother skin for even the most sensitive skin types. 

Availability of dermaplaning tools is also a painless and convenient way to buff away dead skin cells along with stubborn peach fuzz that results in the easy absorption of other skincare products into the skin. Plus they look really cool too! 

Chemical Exfoliation 

Working at the ingredient level with acids and enzymes, chemical exfoliation works by dissolving the bonds between dead skin cells and the skin. Although the term ‘chemical exfoliation’ sounds quite intimidating and harsh, it is actually the opposite. Often found in cleansers, toners, and masks - it is a gentle way to brighten skin tone, even out complexion, and treat hyperpigmentation. 

AHAs and BHAs are natural exfoliants that help work their magic on the skin and help firm and clear up the skin. At Arvelon, the Clarifying Microfoliant Scrub contains Glycolic acid, the most sought-after AHA, that weakens the dead skin cell bonds and reveals healthy-looking skin.

So, What’s Your Pick? 

Then which one is better, you may ask? Well, it all comes down to preference. Some people prefer physical exfoliation due to the scrubbing feeling while some feel that chemical exfoliants are the way forward for them. We recommend the use of mechanical and chemical exfoliants in combination for smoother and brighter skin in the long run. Dull skin, begone! 

Need a personal consultation for your specific skin type? Get in touch with us today!